look at me

kvitka essays

Hoagie Roll Photos

What does it mean to be of a place? Inspired by John Updike's A&P, R.E.M.'s Nightswimming and Heidegger's Being & Time.

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Investigating Bauermeister's Rainbow

Although Rainbow creates a relationship between the human experience, the cellular and celestale, it does not project Bauermeister’s own spirituality and experience. Rainbow is valuable in that it is made shortly after her artistic voice in the Fluxus movement and the start of her lense boxes. It culminates her use of art as a way to change our perception of reality, and deviate from absolute truth, adding humanity to her intellectualization of her mother’s illness.

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I’m not convinced that time is linear. Occasionally I daydream in class. A day passes by as the professor changes slides. My mind often drifts to memories or make-believe moments of people who exist only in the past. When they drift out of my existence, they stick to my thoughts vividly for months or longer. Those strangers we meet can feel familial after an initial conversation. Although it is against my logic, they strike through me metaphysically. I’m coming to think that the way we perceive time is based solely on what we choose to remember...

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Subjectivity in the Work of Ellsworth Kelly.

After four years of studying Kelly's Green Curve with Radius Twenty Feet, I began analyzing my subjective perspective on the painting. It came to represent my college experience. In this work I explored how a word represents a consented contextual/societal meaning through experience. How does a word substitute an idea?

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A Note on Cavell's The World Viewed,
The Joy and Purpose of Cinema

Meals remind me of movies. I like meals. Meals with company. Meals without company are so so. We make the food or the food is made for us. And we sit down, with plate in front of us. And we feel a sense of purpose. Hunger is innate, routine, and this meal wasn’t wrong in a way like snacking is. The meal is a part of our day that we attend to. It is a piece of time. It is shared in each family household, like Rockwell’s Thanksgiving. Movies are like meals. We sit down to eat them. We are hungry, well what are we hungry for?

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